电子发票指南: 优惠卷 (Voucher) 需不需要开 e-Invoice?
如果是免费代金劵,或者之前售出且已经开过电子发票的不可退款代金劵,在过期后无需再开电子发票。 — 但是,如果是可退款的代金券,过期后就需要开电子发票
是的, 在兑换可退款代金劵(Voucher)时, 需要开电子发票。由于这些代金券可以退款(之前没有开到电子发票), 需要确保发票上的“税前总额”与实际销售金额一致。 您可以选择将可退款代金券填写在“预付款”栏中,这项填写是可选的。
如果购购送代金券是免费送出的,那么不需要为它开电子发票。 致于过期代金券和兑换代金券时的电子发票处理,请参考上文“代金券、礼品卡和积分”部分。
欲了解更多有关电子发票与课程详情,请点击此网址: ANCGroup_E-Invoice Courses Contact.
ANC Group – Your Personal Tax Advisor
Tax consulting is the core service of ANC Group. Our tax professionals provide clients with comprehensive tax support and guidance. We offer tax consulting and compliance services for expatriates, entrepreneurs, and listed and non-listed companies.
Our tax consulting services include business tax, transaction tax, personal tax, and corporate income tax. We don’t just guide you in interpreting and applying complicated taxation rules, but to explore new opportunities and business trends.
ANC Group keep you abreast with Malaysia tax updates and any changes in the local regulations.
We work closely with industry specialists, authorities, and associated professionals within ANC Group to provide the best-in-class integrated tax planning solutions. ANC specialists coordinate the accounting and taxation services to bring your business to success.