Business often face a few problems. Problems such as:
- You have employees, but they lack with practical experience, knowledge and technical knowledge. You try to send them to training, but the training fee is a bomb. In addition, you can’t just send everyone to training and leaving your office empty, correct?
- You wanted to expand your business, but you don’t know how, you don’t even know where to start
- You try to understand Malaysian Law and Regulation, but it is really hard to understand
- The law changes so rapidly and it is really hard to keep up with.
As a result, unnecessary penalties and hefty fines. That’s why we invented Business Infrastructure Platform (BIP). BIP allows you and your team to have access to the latest compliance deployment. It provides you a video library to learn about:
- Malaysian Taxation
- Employment Obligation
- Sales and Services Tax
- Transfer Pricing
- International Taxation
How do we access to BIP? If you are our existing clients, an invitation email will be sent to you automatically.
Just log in to and start learning.
# BIP is by invitation only and it is only available to our existing clients.